You say you want a revolution?
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger Like devotees of crossword puzzles, those who read through the many letters, journals and other literature of the past develop a rather extensive vocabulary. On occasion, a new word will pop up and cause even the hoariest student of history scurrying for a dictionary. Words like “redoubt” and “abatis” are…
By Joe Craig, Park Volunteer “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”-Carl Sagan The circus ain’t comin’ to town no more. A recent issue of Time Magazine announced that, the “Greatest Show on Earth”, Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus is going out of business. For more than 140 years their death-defying acts, exotic animals and…
Which Side Are You On?
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger Every so often, visitors to Saratoga will opine: “If I lived back during the Revolutionary War, I’d have been a Tory [or Rebel]”. It’s gratifying that the Revolutionary War is taken to heart, but it’s obvious that they haven’t probed the subject deeply. They might discover that sometimes that a…
What If?
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger The concept of “what if” in the study of history has intrigued pretty much anyone with an interest in the past. Indeed, it has spawned an entire genre of writing dubbed “alternate history”. Alternative or not, the fact remains that certain things did not occur, and no how you slice…
What Happened to Burgoyne’s Sword?
By Joe Craig and Eric Schnitzer, Park Rangers As we know, soon after General Burgoyne tendered his sword to General Gates on the day of the surrender at Saratoga, 17 October 1777, Gates returned the sword to Burgoyne. There is no further reference or evidence as to the disposition of this particular sword and it was only long…
Uncertain Loyalties
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger A major theme for Saratoga National Historical Park is “People at Saratoga: By Choice or by Chance”. This is a lovely catch-all category that allows the park to avoid taking sides while interpreting the Northern Campaign of 1777. It also helps us remind visitors that there were people here in…
Travelers and Taverns
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger There’s no other place quite like Colonial Williamsburg: a town filled with famous names from American History, a center for preservation of buildings, artifacts and traditional skills. Duke of Gloucester Street is rarely empty of visitors, all “experiencing the Eighteenth Century”. Thankfully, that experience is sanitized. The rank smells of…
The Maze
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger A past superintendent of Saratoga National Historical Park noted that prior to his arrival he was informed he would be more confused after a ride through the Battlefield Tour road than before. Compared to what can be learned at the Visitor center, he may have been right. It’s rather evident…
The Guns of October
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger The war was all but over in 1783; Independence of the Thirteen States was essentially decided and the preliminary peace treaty had been ratified. A German officer, Johann Ewald of the Hesse-Cassel Field-Jäger Corps traveled from the British-held city of New York through some of the areas he’d served in the lower Hudson…
The Apprentice and the “Unfortunate Person”
By Joe Craig, Park Ranger “About 1730, Pultney, later the Earl of Bat, lay for a long time at Lord Chetwynd’s house of Ingestre, in Staffordshire, sick very dangerously, of a pleuritic fever. This illness cost him an expence of 750 guineas for physicians…Dr. Hope, Dr. Swynsen, and other physicians from Stafford, Lichfield and Derby,…
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